Whites Coin Master
The White's GoldMaster 24K Metal Detector Standard Package is built to sniff out the smallest gold nuggets and flakes. Their various search coils that have been designed for gold prospecting are some of the best in the industry. If you have been cursed with the gold fever, there is no reason not to give White’s gold prospecting equipment a try. At only 2.5 pounds, the Coinmaster is comfortable for all-day use with its included pair of 9-volt batteries, and the waterproof 9” Spider Coil is ready for beach exploration. Whites Coin Master Pro Highlights.
NEL Hunter Whites Coin Master,Prizm The Hunter Coil is designed to search on land heavily littered with iron. The Coil is unusually light for its size, only 490 g, which makes it easy to searching for a whole day! The coil has excellent maneuverability and sensitivity to large, medium and small targets especially on land heavily. WHITE'S COINMASTER 5900/Di PROFESSIONAL SERIES METAL DETECTOR Original Owner. $66.24 shipping. Whites MX5 Metal Detector w. White's Coinmaster 1/DB Series 2 and 2/DB Series 2 Operator's Instructions by White's Electronics, Inc. Publication date 1982-09 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics.
$400Avg. Durability: 5.00

Coinmaster gt
The Coinmaster GT does go very deep but the audio is noisy and squawky soyou will need to learn the difference between the good and bad sounds ofthe targets. If you have been using a Classic III, II, or I you will noticea big change in the target recovery time. The GT is a medium sweep detectorwith a slow recovery time. It's big positive is that it is a deep detector.Max Depth: 9 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user? No, not really.
Reddirtfisher from Oklahoma
Whites then, now and always
I have been swinging a Whites detector since I was 16 years old. I am now54 years old and still carry a Whites. The Whites CoinMaster GT was thenatural choice when it was time to upgrade from my Whites ID. The GT givesme the depth that I was looking for, without spending big money for it. Thecontrols are easy to understand and use. The depth, again, is absolutelybrilliant. I am finding coins, buttons, and other treasures at deeperdepths than any of my other Whites detectors. If you are looking for aserious machine without laying out the big money, you can't go wrong withthe ConMaster GT.Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
Tom Lynch from Hampstead, NH
Whites coinmaster gt
I've had a lot of metal detectors, but having confidence in what your usingmakes all the difference. The Whites Coinmaster GT has given me thatconfidence. Easy to use and adjust to. In May of 2014 I found a 1864 LIndianhead penny in near mint condition. Also that day I found a rare CivalWar 3 ringed sniper bullet. I'm sticking with Whites detectors from nowon..I was hunting with no discrimination and with the coil that camewith it.. Ready to go right out of the box..
Max Depth: 12 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
Daltondetonator from Chattanooga, TN.
Great machine!!!
This detector works great and is also my first VDI machine. It has all thefeatures of most top of the line detectors and is way ahead of it's class.This detector is exactly the same as the White's Prizm 6T.What Iliked about it, was the auto ground track feature. Seems to work well inVirginia's mineralized soil and detects plenty DEEP! Having major fun withthis machine. Way to go White's!
Max Depth: 12 inches on US quarter

Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
Greg from Virginia
Coinmaster gt
Just got my White's Coinmaster GT today. Needed and upgrade as I had beenusing a White's Classic II for years. On my first day out I found a aquarter and penny in my front yard. My husband and I then decided to go tothe school yard near our home. We had not been there 10 minutes before wefound a 1936 walking liberty 50 cent piece and a 1943 silver quarter. Whata couple of great finds on our first day!We also purchased theWhite's bullseye pin pointer which helped pinpoint the locations. Detectoris easy to operate right out of the box. I am totally sold on the White'sproducts.
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
Susan from Alabama
The Coinmaster GT is the top model in White’s Electronics line of light and simple metal detectors with features rivaling that of higher priced models from other manufacturers. The GT now comes with automatic ground balancing technology in the form of Auto-Trac which adjusts the machine to changes in ground mineralization while you search. This eliminates the unwanted effects of ground minerals and maximizes detection of metal objects in the ground.
There are 9 tones for target identification as well as 9 discrimination settings to uncover specific targets and eliminate low value junk metal objects. VCO audio or Voltage Controlled Oscillation technology makes the pitch of threshold to increase when targets are detected. A special Beach Mode expands the ground tracking range of the Coinmaster GT to handle wet sand which is mildly conductive and makes most other metal detectors unusable.
The large display also prominently features the VDI or Visual Display Indicator number, otherwise known as the Target ID number, which accurately displays target responses in Discrimination and All Metal modes, while numerical depth information in half inch increments is provided when in Pinpoint mode. A separate depth scale is also shown for use in all modes. It also has a backlight making it a great machine to use in any lighting environment.
Whites Coin Master Pro
It is powered by 8xAA batteries for up to 30 hours of operation and comes with a standard 9 inch concentric search coil.
Whites Coin Master Gt Metal Detector
White’s Coinmaster GT Specifications
White Coin Master 1000 Metal Detector
- Brand: White’s Electronics
- Model: Coinmaster GT
- Manufacture Date: 2012
- Intended Use: coin shooting; relic and beach hunting
- Weight: 3.5 lbs
- Battery Type: 8xAA
- Visual ID Type: LCD, Digital Display, VDI target ID number
- Number of Target ID Segments: 9
- Number of Audio Tones: 9 with Silent Search and VCO All Metal audio
- Ground Balance: Auto-Trac, automatic ground balance tracking
- Discrimination Type: Digital Notch Discrimination
- Number of Search Modes: 3, Discrimination, All Metal and Beach mode
- Adjustable Shaft length: Yes, 45 to 50 inches
- Sensitivity Adjustment: Yes
- Coin Depth Meter: Yes
- Pinpoint Feature: Yes
- Frequency: 8.129 kHz
- Type of Circuit: VLF
- Coil Type: Concentric
- Stock Coil Size: 9 inch
- Suggested Retail Price: $399.95
- Street Price: $399.95
- Waterproof features: waterproof coil, water resistant control box